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获江苏省科技进步二等奖1次(排名3);获两项国家发明专利 和一项实用新型性专利,新申请发明专利两项;参与了四部专著的编写。


尹斌, 倪吾钟, 庄舜尧. 稻田土壤中化肥氮的气态损失及其对策//李振声, 朱兆良, 章申, 张福锁, 米国华, 等. 挖掘生物高小利用土壤养分潜力保持土壤环境良性循环. 2004. 北京: 中国农业大学出版社, 315-343
尹斌, 曹志洪. 氮素在土-水-气界面的交换及其对水环境的影响//曹志洪,林先贵, 等. 太湖流域土-水间的物质交换与水环境质量. 2006. 北京: 科学出版社, 43-74
朱波, 尹斌, 张斌, 韩晓增, 郝明德, 张玉铭. 农田氮素气态损失对环境的影响//杨林章, 孙波, 等. 中国农田生态系统养分循环与平衡及其管理. 2008. 北京: 科学出版社, 177-181
张绍林, 尹斌, 于东升, 林德喜, 范晓晖, 史学正. 水稻-小麦轮作系统中优化施氮及提高氮肥利用率的原理与方法//朱兆良, 张福锁, 等. 主要农田生态系统氮素行为与氮肥高效利用的基础研究. 2010. 北京: 科学出版社, 264-295

Zhang M, Tian YH, Zhao M, Yin B, Zhu ZL. The assessment of nitrate leaching in a rice–wheat rotation system using an improved agronomic practice aimed to increase rice crop yields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2017, 241: 100-109
Yao YL, Zhang M, Tian YH, Zhao M, Zhang BW, Zhao M, Zeng K, Yin B. Urea deep placement for minimizing NH3 loss in an intensive rice cropping system. Field Crops Research, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2017.03.013
Zhao M, Tian YH, Ma YC, et al. Mitigating gaseous nitrogen emissions intensity from a Chinese rice cropping system through an improved management practice aimed to close the yield gap. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2015, 203: 36-45
Zhao M, Tian YH, Zhang M, et al. Nonlinear response of nitric oxide emissions to a nitrogen application gradient: A case study during the wheat season in a Chinese rice-wheat rotation system. Atmospheric Environment, 2015, 102: 200-208
Cao YS, Tian YH, Yin B, et al. Assessment of ammonia volatilization from paddy fields under crop management practices aimed to increase grain yield and N efficiency. Field Crops Research, 2013, 147: 23-31.
Deng MH, Shi XJ, Tian YH, Yin B, Zhang SL, Zhu ZL, S. D. Kimura. Optimizing Nitrogen Fertilizer Application for Rice Production in the Taihu Lake Region, China. Pedosphere 2012, 22(1): 48-57
Yuchun Ma, Liying Sun, Xiaoxu Zhang, Bo Yang, Jinyang Wang, Bin Yin, Xiaoyuan Yan, Zhengqin Xiong. Mitigation of nitrous oxide emissions from paddy soil under conventional and no-till practices using nitrification inhibitors during the winter wheat-growing season. Biol Fertil Soils, 2012,
Tian Y H, Yang L Z, Yin B*, Zhu Z L. Wet deposition N and its runoff flow during wheat seasons in the Tai Lake Region, China. AGEE, 2011, 141: 224-229
Ju X T, Xing G X, Chen X P, Zhang S L, Zhang L J, Liu X J, Cui Z L, Yin B, Christie P, Zhu Z L, Zhang F S. Reducing environmental risk by improving N management in intensive Chinese agricultural systems. PNAS, 2009, 106(9): 3041-3046
Tian Y H, Yin B*, Yang L Z, Yin S X, Zhu Z L. Nitrogen runoff and leaching loss during rice-wheat rotations in Taihu Lake region, China. Pedosphere, 2007, 17(4): 445-456
Gu J, Cai H, Yu SL< Qu R, Yin B, Guo YF, Zhao JY, Wu XL. Marinobacter gudaonensis sp. Nov., isolated from an oil-polluted saline soil in a Chinese oilfield. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2007, 57(2): 250-254
CAO B, He F Y, Xu Q M, Yin B, CAI G X. Denitrification loss and N2O emissions from nitrogen fertilizer applied to a vegetable field. Pedosphere, 2006, 16(3): 390-397
Piao Z, Cui Z J, Yin B, Hu J, Zhou C H, Xie G H, Su B L, Yin S X. Changes in acetylene reduction activities and effects of inoculated rhizosphere nitrogen-fixing bacteria on rice. Biol. Fertil. Soil, 2005, 41: 371-378

尹斌. 混合反应器. 实用新型专利, ZL 99 2 30162.9. 授权日期: 2000年8月26日
尹斌, 朱兆良, 扬震, 蔡贵信, 沈仁芳, 彭光浩. 稻田抑氨膜. 发明专利, ZL 99 1 14589.5. 授权日期: 2004年8月25日
尹斌. 稻田抑氨膜的生产工艺. 发明专利, ZL 99 1 14590.9. 授权日期: 2005年1月26日
