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温室土壤养分循环特征及生物与环境效应, 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目

实用无土栽培及其配套技术示范推广, 科技部农业科技成果转化项目

农田内部节氮控磷技术研究与工程示范, “十五”863重大科技专项“滇池入湖河流水环境治理技术与工程示范”中课题

无公害农产品清洁生产标准体系研究, 江苏省政府农业特别项目

1.Dong JL, Li X, Chu WY, Duan ZQ. High nitrate supply promotes nitrate assimilation and alleviates photosynthetic acclimation of cucumber plants under elevated CO2. Scientia Horticulturae, 2017, 218: 275-283
2.Zhu L, Li X, Zhang C, Duan ZQ. Pollutants’ Release, Redistribution and Remediation of Black Smelly River Sediment Based on Re-Suspension and Deep Aeration of Sediment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2017, 14(4): 374
3.Dong JL, Li X, Duan ZQ. Biomass allocation and organs growth of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) under elevated CO2 and different N supply. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2016, 62: 277-288
4.Li X, Dong JL, Chu WY, et al. Adsorption efficiency of a continuous trapping system and its use for the collection of root exudates from cucumber. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 2015, 178: 963-976
5.Yan QY, Duan ZQ, Mao JD, Li X, Dong F. Low Root Zone Temperature Limits Nutrient Effects on Cucumber Seedling Growth and Induces Adversity Physiological Response. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2013, 12(8): 1450-1460
6.Yan QY; Duan ZQ; Li JH; Li X; Dong JL. Cucumber Growth and Nitrogen Uptake as Affected by Solution Temperature and NO3-:NH4+ Ratios during the Seedling. Korean Journal Of Horticultural Science & Technology, 2013, 31(4):393-399
7.Li X, Duan ZQ. Synthesis of GdFeO3 microspheres assembled by nanoparticles as magnetically recoverable and visible-light-driven photocatalysts. Materials Letters, 2012, 89: 262-265
8.Yan Qiuyan, Duan Zengqiang, Mao Jingdong, Li Xun, Dong Fei. Effects of root-zone temperature and N, P, and K supplies on nutrient uptake of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings in hydroponics. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 2012, 58: 707-717
9.Zhang RH, Duan ZQ, Li ZG. Use of Spent Mushroom Substrate as Growing Media for Tomato and Cucumber Seedlings. Pedosphere, 2012, 22: 333-342
10.Zhang J, Duan Z, Li X, Kerr PG. The Classification of NO3--Soil Secondary Salinization in a Tomato-based Greenhouse in China’s Yangtze River Delta. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2011, 20: 3068-3075.



