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日本冈山大学资源植物科学研究所,博士后 (2016-2020)

中国科学院南京土壤研究所 (2020- )

中国科学院科研启动项目“水稻养分吸收和分配的分子机制” (E0280100),2020.11-2023.10, (主持)


  1. Che Jing, Yamaji Naoki, Ma Jian Feng*. Role of a vacuolar iron transporter OsVIT2 in the distribution of iron to rice grains. New Phytologist 2021,doi: 1111/nph.17219.
  2. Che Jing, Yamaji Naoki, Miyaji Takaaki, Mitani-Ueno Namiki, Kato Yuri, Shen Ren Fang and Ma Jian Feng*. Node-localized transporters of phosphorus essential for seed development in rice. Plant Cell and Physiology 2020, 61(8): 1387-1398.
  3. Che Jing, Yokosho Kengo, Yamaji Naoki and Ma Jian Feng*. A vacuolar phytosiderophore transporter alters iron and zinc accumulation in polished rice grains. Plant Physiology 2019, 181(1): 276-288.
  4. Che Jing, Yamaji Naoki, Yokosho Kengo, Shen Ren Fang and Ma Jian Feng*. Two genes encoding a bacterial-type ATP-binding cassette transporter are implicated in aluminum tolerance in buckwheat. Plant Cell and Physiology 2018, 59(12): 2502-2511.
  5. Che Jing, Yamaji Naoki, Ma Jian Feng*. Efficient and flexible uptake system for mineral elements in plants. New Phytologist 2018, 219(2): 513-517.
  6. Che Jing#, Tsutsui Tomokazu#, Yokosho Kengo, Yamaji Naoki and Ma Jian Feng*. Functional characterization of an Al-inducible transcription factor, ART2 revealed a different pathway for Al tolerance in rice. New Phytologist 2018, 220(1): 209-218. (#These authors contributed equally to this work)
  7. Che Jing, Yamaji Naoki, Shen Ren Fang*, Ma Jian Feng*. An Al-inducible expansin gene, OsEXPA10 is involved in root cell elongation of rice. The Plant Journal 2016, 88(1): 132-142.
  8. Che Jing, Yamaji Naoki, Shao Ji Feng, Ma Jian Feng*, Shen Ren Fang*. Silicon decreases both uptake and root-to-shoot translocation of manganese in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany 2016, 67(5): 1535-1544.
  9. Sun Sheng Kai, Chen Yi, Che Jing, Konishi Noriyuki, Tang Zhong, Miller Anthony J., Ma Jian Feng, Zhao Fang Jie*. Decreasing arsenic accumulation in rice by overexpressing OsNIP1;1 and OsNIP3;3 through disrupting arsenite radial transport in roots. New Phytologist 2018, 219(2):641-653.
  10. Ueno Daisei, Sasaki Akimasa, Yamaji Naoki, Miyaji Takaaki, Fujii Yumi, Takemoto Yuma, Moriyama Sawako, Che Jing, Moriyama Yoshinori, Iwasaki Kozo, Ma Jian Feng*. A polarly localized transporter for efficient manganese uptake in rice. Nature Plants 2015, 1: 15170.