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陆地生态系统碳循环的生物过程适应性研究, 973二级课题, 2003-2008

大气CO2浓度升高对稻麦轮作农田土壤碳循环的影响, 国家基金, 2005-2008

高温-低温复合秸秆降解技术及腐肥质量影响, 农业部行业专项子课题, 2008-2010

我国农田土壤固碳和温室气体减排研究, 中国科学院, 2009-2011

滨海盐碱地固碳增汇技术研究与示范, 科技部, 2009-2011

水稻主要生长阶段稻田生物固氮能力的15N2标记定量研究, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2009-2011

生物炭农学及环境效应, 美国Blue Moon Fund, 2010-2011

稻田生物固氮的稳定性同位素15N2气体标记研究, 中国科学院, 2010-2012

稻田生物固氮的15N2研究, 中国科学院创新, 2011-2013

生物质炭还田的土壤生产力和固碳减排效应影响及其机理, 国家基金, 2012-2014

生物炭的土壤肥力和固碳减排效应研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2012-2015


1.Liu Q, Liu BJ, Zhang YH, Lin ZB, Zhu TB, Sun RB, Wang XJ, Ma J, Bei QC, Liu G, Lin XW, Xie ZB. Can biochar alleviate soil compaction stress on wheat growth and mitigate soil N2O emissions? Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2017, 104: 8-17
2.Lin ZB, Liu Q, Liu G, A.L. Cowie, Bei QC, Liu BJ, Wang XJ, Ma J, Zhu JG, Xie ZB. Effects of Different Biochars on Pinus elliottii Growth, N Use Efficiency, Soil N2O and CH4 Emissions and C Storage in a Subtropical Area of China. Pedosphere, 2017, 27(2): 248-261
3.Liu Q, Liu BJ, P. Ambus, et al. Carbon footprint of rice production under biochar amendment - a case study in a Chinese rice cropping system. GCB Bioenergy, 2016, 8: 148-159
4.Lin XW, Wang SP*, Hu YG, et al. Experimental Warming Increases Seasonal Methane Uptake in an Alpine Meadow on the Tibetan Plateau. Ecosystems, 2015, 18(2): 274-286
5.Lin XW, Xie ZB, Zheng JY, et al. Effects of biochar application on greenhouse gas emissions, carbon sequestration and crop growth in coastal saline soil. European Journal of Soil Science, 2015, 66(2): 329-338
6.Xie ZB, Xu YP, Liu G, et al. Impact of biochar application on nitrogen nutrition of rice, greenhouse-gas emissions and soil organic carbon dynamics in two paddy soils of China. Plant and Soil, 2013
7.Jia JX,Li B,Chen ZZ,Xie ZB,Xiong ZQ. Effects of biochar application on vegetable production and emissions of N2O and CH4. SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION, 2012, 58:503-509.
8.Lin XW, Zhang ZH, Wang SP*, Hu YG, Xu GP, Luo CY, Chang XF, Duan JC, Lin QY, B. Xu, Wang YF, Zhao XQ, Xie ZB. Response of ecosystem respiration to warming and grazing during the growing seasons in the alpine meadow on the Tibetan plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2011, 151(7): 792-802.
9.Xie Z B, Liu G, Bei Q C, Tang H Y, Liu J S, Sun H F, Xu Y P, Zhu J G, Cadisch G. CO2 mitigation potential in farmland of China by altering current organic matter amendment pattern. Science China-Earth Sciences, 2010, 53(9): 1351-1357
10.Xie Z B, J G Zhu J G, Liu G, Chen C M, Sun H F, Tang H Y, Zeng Q. Soil organic carbon stocks in China and changes from 1980s to 2000s. Global Change Biology, 2007, 13(9): 1989-2007
11.Xie Z B, Georg Cadisch, Grant Edwards, Elizabeth M. Baggs, Herbert Blum. Carbon dynamics in a temperate grassland soil after 9 years exposure to elevated CO2 (Swiss FACE). Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2005: 1387-1395
12.Liu J S, Xie Z B, Liu G, Zhang J B, Bei Q C, Huang P, Sun H F, Xu Y P, Zhu J G, Tang H Y. A Holistic Evaluation of CO2 Equivalent Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Compost Reactors with Aeration and Calcium Superphosphate Addition. Journal of Resources and Ecology, 2010, 1(2): 177-185
13.Xie Z B, Zhu J G, Chu H Y, Zhang Y L, Zheng Q, Ma H L, Chao Z H. Effect of Lanthanum on Rice Production, Nutrient Uptake and distribution. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2002, 25 (10): 2315-2331
14.Ma H L, Zhu J G, Xie Z B, Liu G, Zeng Q, Han Y. Response of rice and wheat to free-air CO2 enrichment (China FACE) at rice/wheat rotation system. Plant and Soil, 2007, 294: 137-146
15.Kou T J, Zhu J G, Xie Z B, Hasegawa T, Heiduk K. Effect of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration on soil and root respiration in winter wheat by using a respiration partitioning chamber. Plant and Soil, 2007, 299: 237-249
16.Pang J, Zhu J G, Xie Z B. A new explanation of the [N] decrease in tissues of rice (Oryza sativa L.) exposed to elevated atmospheric pCO2. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2006, 57: 98-105
17.Chu H Y, Zhu J G, Xie Z B, Zeng Q, Li Z G, Cao Z H. Availability andtoxicity of exogenous lanthanum in a haplic acrisols. Geoderma, 2003, 115(1-2): 121-128
18.Chu H Y, Zhu J G, Xie Z B, Zhang H Y, Cao Z H, Li Z G. Effects of lanthanum on soil dehydrogenase activity and carbon dioxide evolution in a Haplic Acrisol. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 2003, 41(4): 731-739
19.Zhu J G, Chu H Y, Xie Z B, Yagi K. Effects of lanthanum on nitrification and ammonification in three Chinese soils. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 2002, 63(2/3): 309-314


1.一种秸秆制炭装置. 实用新型专利, 200920232191.9
2.一种田间原位智能气密植物. 发明专利, 200910232184.3


秸秆“旱重水轻”的农田固碳减排技术策略, 受中央办公厅约稿, 已于2010年由中科院办公厅“专报信息”呈报中办

1995 科技部振华科技扶贫奖

1997 中国科学院南京土壤研究所优秀党员

1999 中国科学院地奥奖学金二等奖

2002 中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖

2005 中国科学院南京土壤研究所先进个人

2009 中国科学院优秀创新团队

2011 中国科学院南京土壤研究所优秀党员