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2009年7月- 2011年6月, 日本JSPS特别研究员

2011年7月- 2012年3月,日本国立农业环境研究所,博士后

2012年9月-2017年8月, 南京土壤研究所副研究员(首批海外优秀青年人才引进)

2016年6月-2017年5月,美国Smithsonian Environment Research Center访学



主要运用FACE(free air carbon dioxide enrichment)、OTC及大型气候箱为研究平台,从事农田和湿地生态系统对全球变化(主要涉及CO2升高、温升、海平面升高)的响应及适应研究,着重关注全球变化下粮食安全(产量与品质)、物种变迁、土壤固碳减排,土壤健康等领域。与哈佛大学、哥伦比亚大学、华盛顿大学以及全球主要作物FACE(日本、美国、德国和澳大利亚)、美国USDA和Smithsonian等机构建立了较密切的合作关系。在Science Advances (IF=12.8), GCB-Bioenergy, New Phytologist, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, J Exp Bot, Clim Change, Eur J Agron, Field Crop Res 等期刊发表论文40多篇。Front Plant Sci副主编,《土壤》、《生态学杂志》和《土壤与作物》编委,Lancet Planetary Health, Global Change Biol, Clim Chang, Rice, Field Crop Res, Eur J Agron, Plant soil等国际著名刊物同行审评专家。研究成果被国际200多家媒体追踪报道。


国家面上基金, (31370457),2014-2017
国家青年基金, (41301209),2014-2016
中科院青促会, (52020000),2015-2018

SCI发表:责任作者14篇, IF5y≈55、平均≈ 3.9

CW Zhu* et al. (2016) Elevated atmospheric [CO2] stimulates sugar accumulation and cellulose degradation rates of rice straw. Global Change Biology Bioenergy, 8 (3):579–587. IF5Y= 5.4 (生物二区)
CW Zhu et al. (2016) Effect of elevated CO2 on the growth and macronutrient uptake of artemisia annua L. Pedosphere, 26 (2): 235-242. IF5y = 2.1(农业三区)
CW Zhu et al. (2015) Historical and experimental evidence for enhanced concentration of artemesinin, a global anti-malarial treatment, with recent and projected increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide. Climatic Change, 132 (2), 295-306. IF5Y= 4.9(环境二区)
CW Zhu et al. (2015) An indica rice genotype showed a similar yield enhancement to that of hybrid rice under free air carbon dioxide enrichment. Scientific Reports, doi:10.1038/srep12719. IF5Y= 4.8 (综合二区)
C Chen, Q Jiang, LH. Ziska, JG Zhu,G Liu,J Zhanga, K Ni, S Seneweera, CW Zhu*. (2015) Seed vigor of contrasting rice cultivars in response to elevated carbon dioxide. Field Crops Research, 178: 63–68. IF5Y =3.8 (农业一区)
CW Zhu et al. (2014) Biochemical and molecular characteristics of leaf photosynthesis and relative seed yield of two contrasting rice cultivars in response to elevated [CO2]. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65 (20): 6049-6056. IF5Y= 6.4 (生物二区Top)
CW Zhu et al. (2013) Vulnerability of lodging risk to elevated CO2 and increased soil temperature differs between rice cultivars. European Journal of Agronomy, 4620–24. IF5Y =4.1 (农业一区)
CW Zhu et al. (2013) Effects of elevated [CO2] on lodging of stem and root within various genotypic rice. Science Bulletin(原Chinese Science Bulletin), 58(1): 1-8. IF5Y= 4.0(综合二区)
CW Zhu et al. (2012) The temporal and species dynamics of photosynthetic acclimation in flag leaves of rice (Oryza sativa) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) under elevated carbon dioxide. Physiologia Plantarum, 145(3): 395-405. IF5Y= 3.5(生物三区)
CW Zhu et al. (2009) Elevated CO2 accelerates flag leaf senescence in wheat due to ear photosynthesis which causes greater ear nitrogen sink capacity and ear carbon sink limitation. Functional Plant Biology, 36, 291–299. IF5y= 2.9 (生物三区)
CW Zhu et al. (2008) Elevated CO2 concentration enhances the role of the ear to the flag leaf in determining grain yield of wheat. Photosynthetica 46 (2): 318-320. IF5y= 1.8(生物四区)
CW Zhu et al. (2008) Impact of nitrogen supply on carbon dioxide induced changes in competition between rice (a C3 crop) and Echinochloa crus-galli (a C4 weed). Weed Science, 2008 56:66–71. IF5y= 2.2(农业二区)
G Ren#,CW Zhu# et al.(2015). Response of soil, leaf endosphere and phyllosphere bacterial communities to elevated CO2 and soil temperature in a rice paddy. Plant and soil, 392 (1): 27-44. IF5Y= 3.7 (农业一区), 等同第一作者
Cheng Y,Zhang J,Zhu JG,Liu G,Zhu CW*,Wang SQ*. (2016) Ten years of elevated atmospheric CO2 doesn't alter soil nitrogen availability in a rice paddy. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 98:99-108. IF5Y= 5.4 (农业一区),等同通讯作者