Valentina Baldazzi Nadia Bertin Hidde de Jong Michel Génard. Towards multiscale plant models: integrating cellular networks. Trends in Plant Science 2012 17(12): 728-736.


One of the ambitions of ‘crop systems biology’ is to combine information from molecular biology with a broader view of plant development and growth. In the context of modeling this calls for a multiscale perspective that focuses on the interplay between cellular and macroscopic studies. With this in mind in this review we aim to draw attention to a panel of approaches that were developed in the context of systems biology and are used for analyzing and describing the behavior of cellular networks. Ultimately insights obtained from these methods can be exploited to refine the description of plant processes leading to integrated plant-cellular models.

Nick Chapman Anthony J. Miller Keith Lindsey W. Richard Whalley. Roots water and nutrient acquisition: let’s get physical. Trends in Plant Science 2012 17(12): 701-710.


Improved root water and nutrient acquisition can increase fertiliser use efficiency and is important for securing food production. Root nutrient acquisition includes proliferation transporter function exudation symbioses and the delivery of dissolved nutrients from the bulk soil to the root surface via mass flow and diffusion. The widespread adoption of simplified experimental systems has restricted consideration of the influence of soil symbiotic organisms and physical properties on root acquisition. The soil physical properties can directly influence root growth and explain some of the disparities obtained from different experimental systems. Turning this to an advantage comparing results obtained with the same model plant Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) in different systems we can tease apart the specific effects of soil physical properties.

Phillip M. Chalk Alberto M. T. Magalhães Caio T. Inácio. Towards an understanding of the dynamics of compost N in the soil-plant-atmosphere system using 15N tracer. Plant and Soil 2013 362(1-2): 373-388.



The principal aim of the present review is to synthesize and evaluate published information on the N fertilizer value of composts and thei